While speaking at the Association’s AGM, on 17 March 2025, she confirmed that she will remain as co-chair until the annual election of officers at the committee meeting in April.
Janice was one of the initial founders of the AMNT and has been at the centre of the major debates concerning members’ rights and the future of MNTs over the last decade. She has represented the Association’s position with Government, the Regulator, the industry and the media to ensure that the voice of members and MNTs was heard on the major pensions issues of the day.
Janice has been central to the growth of the Association, turning it into an organisation that "punches above its weight" according to the then Pensions Minister Guy Opperman.
Her achievements include being:
- the driving force behind the founding in 2010 and the continuation of the AMNT as a voice for member trustees;
- the originator of Red Line Voting, challenging fund managers to accept trustee ESG voting policies in pooled funds particularly in relation to climate change, executive reward and diversity;
- the originator of the AMNT’s proposals on the future of trusteeship;
- a passionate advocate for MNT training, to include payment of examination fees and relevant time off to undertake duties;
- a leader of the AMNT’s major campaigning efforts with Government, TPR and the media to ensure that the voice of member trustees and members is heard;
- a passionate advocate and campaigner for pensions adequacy, equality and access for all workers.
Janice has appeared before the Work and Pensions Select Committee on several occasions and has also represented AMNT in the international arena. She was invited by Harvard to speak at their international capital stewardship conference and also opened the World Pensions Council conference.
She will remain as a member of the AMNT Management Committee where she intends to continue her campaigning efforts with a particular focus on the future of trusteeship, the development of CDC, MNTs’ rights and stewardship.
Janice Turner said: “It has been an honour to be a founder and leader of the AMNT over the last 15 years. We have built an organisation that has a laser-like focus on protecting the interests of scheme members, whilst also campaigning for the vital issues of fairness and inclusion.
“Our position has not always been welcomed by Government, regulators or the fund management industry as we have never shied away from telling truth to power but I believe our passion, drive and conviction has been respected and has meant that the voice of the member has been clearly heard and listened to. Member nominated trustees’ and members’ views are not the same as those of the industry and it is absolutely vital for ordinary pension scheme members that member nominated trustees continue to be heard.
“There is still work to be done and I look forward to supporting our new leadership and continuing to push forward our member focussed agenda from the “backbenches!”, she concluded.
Maggie Rodger will offer herself for re-appointment as Co-Chair by the committee and will work alongside the newly appointed co-chair from April.