Our Story


The Association of Member Nominated Trustees was established.


First full members’ meeting of the AMNT.

Co-chairs elected: Janice Turner and Barry Parr – AMNT’s first AGM, which adopts the AMNT

AMNT members assist the Pensions Regulator with their views on the Trustee Toolkit 


AMNT submission to a government consultation argues for an alternative to the predominant method of pension scheme valuation based on market value accounting, as the current method is causing too much volatility

AMNT adopts the policies supporting the establishment of Collective Defined Contributions (CDC) pensions

AMNT demonstrates its early recognition of the threat of climate change by participating in the Pensions Funds and Changing Climate Initiative (Fair Pensions & Royal Society)

AMNT has grown from zero to 275 members in two years, from pension funds with collective assets of more than £200-billion 


AMNT began work on stewardship and shareholders voting rights in response to the shareholder spring of 2012 and leading to the development of Red Line Voting


AMNT consults with Trustees, Government and the financial services industry on the development of the Stewardship project.

Successfully applied to the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust for funding to develop the AMNTs Stewardship work which became the Red Line Voting  campaign.


AMNT and UKSIF hold a joint workshop for AMNT and UKSIF members which helped develop the Red Line policies

 AMNT conference approves Red Line Voting

Launch of Red Line Voting at the Guildhall of the City of London with the keynote speaker Vince Cable, former Secretary of State for Business. The AMNT’s Red Lines are the UK’s first comprehensive ESG voting policy free for trustees to download and adopt.


Pension Schemes adopt the Red Lines but meet with substantial resistance from fund managers. AMNT begins new campaign to overcome the resistance of fund managers


AMNT and UKSIP convene meeting of 12 leading UK Investment Consultants who commit to inform and educate pension scheme clients on ESG issues.

Press release: AMNT/UKSIF initiative on investment consultants


AMNT provides written response to consultation followed by giving oral evidence to the Work and Pensions Select Committee in support of the establishment of collective defined contribution pensions


AMNT makes formal complaint to the FCA about the failure of the fund management industry to allow pension scheme trustees to operate an ESG stewardship policy, particularly in pooled funds.

Report: AMNT Review into fund managers’ voting policies and practices

Treasury Select Committee writes to the FCA asking what action the FCA had taken so far in response to the AMNT’s complaint.


AMNT meets with Pensions Minister and FCA to discuss concerns on Stewardship

FCA industry workshop on aligning stewardship objectives across the institutional investment community

AMNT publishes Bringing Shareholder Voting into the 21st Century ,a major examination of barriers to effective stewardship and how to overcome them, with support from the Pensions Minister.

AMNT calls for the establishment of a government-led working group to address the archaic voting infrastructure, underinvestment in the stewardship function in fund management; transparency of voting policies and outcomes and scheme-specific voting requirements. 

The Minister for Pensions and Financial Inclusion establishes the Taskforce on Pension Scheme Voting Implementation in response to the AMNT’s report, with AMNT representation.


 AMNT updates the Red Lines

Taskforce on Pension Scheme voting implementation (which was set up in response to AMNTs report) publishes recommendations


AMNT responds to government consultation on the establishment of CDC schemes.

Legislation allowing single multi employer CDC schemes came into force.

AMNT consults membership onkey training and support issues for lay trustees.

FCA establishes Vote Reporting Group to design a comprehensive and standardised vote reporting framework for asset managers.


Government issues consultation on multi-employer CDC schemes

First in-person members’ networking conference since Covid lockdowns

Closure of the Vote Reporting group consultation.


The FCA Vote Reporting Group (established in response to the Task Force recommendations) is reconvened.

Attendee panel closed

Dedicated to supporting Member Nominated Trustees

New and experienced trustees can all benefit from the free membership of the AMNT. The Association helps members expand their network, share best practice and experiences and undertake training on the many aspects of trusteeship.

An essential voice in the pensions industry

The AMNT actively engages with Government, The Regulator, other industry bodies and pension providers to highlight the vital role played by MNTs as the champions of pension scheme members and to keep their interests at the forefront of any debate.

The people behind the story:

Arlene Mitcham

AMNT Committee Member

Arlene Mitcham

Committee member

Janice Turner


Janice Turner FRSA LTPMI (Accred) is founding co-chair of the Association of Member Nominated Trustees.

Janice has led the AMNT's campaigns, in particular a major campaign with government, regulators and the pensions industry to further the rights and ability of pension schemes to direct their own voting policy in pooled funds. She devised the UK's first free-to-use, comprehensive ESG voting policy for pension schemes called Red Line Voting. More recently on behalf of AMNT she has also tabled proposals on the future of trusteeship and is one of the first PMI-accredited lay trustees.

Maggie Rodger


Maggie joined AMNT in 2016 and has been co-chair since 2021. An Accountant by profession with 10 years MNT experience: she sits on the Church of England Pensions Board (Open DB, DC and hybrid).

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Chris Matthews Maxwell

Committee Member

Chris joined the AMNT Committee in 2019. He is a Member Nominated Trustee of a large UK Pension Scheme, and is a Member of the Investment and Governance Sub-Committees of the Scheme.

For many years Chris has been involved as an Advisor with the Pensions Advisory Service and, latterly, with the Office of the Pensions Ombudsman.

James Boyd

Committee Member

I was a Trustee with the Magnox Pension Scheme. I have been a AMNT Committee Member / Co-opted Committee Member for 5 years.

I had been a Member Nominated Director (MND) trustee for a total of 12 years and after stepping down as retired MND 2 years ago I have been able to devote more time on Pension matters and I offered my knowledge and experience to AMNT.

John Flynn

Committee Member

John Flynn, I am an accredited Trustee and have been a Trustee for 12 years. My home scheme is National Grid UK Pension Scheme Trustee Limited and I am new to the AMNT Committee. In addition I sit on the Employers Committee of the Scottish Housing Association Pension Scheme [SHAPS] and outside of the pensions world I sit on the Management Board of a registered social landlord and I sit in the Local Taxation Chamber within the Scottish tribunal system. Finally, I do help organise a charity which organises holidays for young people on the Holy Island of Lindisfarne.

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John Gaunt

Committee Member

I am a former member nominated trustee (MNT) of the Mars UK pension scheme. I joined the AMNT back in 2010 and have served on the committee since. I am treasurer of our organisation, having been co-opted onto the committee since I stepped down as an active MNT.

John Gray

Committee Member

Trade Union Member nominated representative on London Borough Tower Hamlets Pension Board (I have been involved with the LBTH fund since 1996).

Trade Union member nominated representative on London Collective Investment Vehicle (LCIV) Stakeholder Committee.

Also, in other capacity, the Chair of Newham Council Pension Committee and member and Joint vice Chair of the Local Authority Pension Fund Forum (LAPFF).

Former Employer nominated Trustee on UNISON DB Staff Pension Scheme and Chair of its Investment sub-Committee.

Works for a Large Housing Association. Occasionally does triathlons, keen walker and social media blogger.

Robin Bell

Committee Member

Robin served as a trustee of the AIB UK DB and DC pension schemes for over 20 years and was on the investment committees. He is currently on the AMNT committee and in his spare time cycles and swims

Sophie Dapin

Committee Member

Stephen Fallowell

Committee Member

My whole working career was in Natwest retail Banking. I was an MNT Director/Trustee of the Royal Bank of Scotland Fund for two periods covering approximately 6 years. I retired in 2013. AMNT Committee member and head of Communication action Group. Playwright, Father, Grandad and still playing cricket.

Steven Crane

Committee Member

I was a MNT for the Association of Teachers and Lecturers Pension Scheme for 14 years and a member of the AMNT for several years. Also, I was Chair of Trustees of the Scheme for 9 years.

After working for the Inland Revenue Superannuation Division, I became a full time trade union official leading negotiations on pay and pensions.

My role with the AMNT involves working with existing and potential sponsors.

Tim Steele

Committee Member

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Uzo Ekwue

Committee Member

Andrea Myers

Action Group Helper

I have been with the AMNT from its inception. I was a MNT on the Marks and Spencer pension scheme for 11 years. I now support the committee in HR matters.

Peter Lewis

Action Group Helper

Peter Sparkes

Action Group Helper

Bridget Hiluta

General Administrator

Bridget joined the AMNT as an administrator in September 2015. Initially supporting the development and launch of the Red Line Voting project. Since then Bridget has taken on the role of a general administrator, supporting Shelley Ismail in her role as Business Manager.

Shelley Ismail

Business Manager