Aon combines the best of both our consulting and asset management expertise to support institutional investors to make investment decisions with clarity and confidence.
We partner with Chief Investment Officers, trustees and sponsors to help them find their unique path through the complexities of investment. All of our solutions are designed to drive better investment outcomes, meet clients' specific goals and match their circumstances. Specialisms include:
Rothesay is the UK’s largest pensions insurance specialist, purpose-built to protect pension schemes and their members’ pensions. With over £60 billion of assets under management, we secure the pensions of more than 930,000 people and pay out, on average, approximately £200 million in pension payments each month.
Rothesay is dedicated to providing excellence in customer service alongside prudent underwriting, a conservative investment strategy and the careful management of risk. We are trusted by some of the UK’s best known companies to provide pension solutions, including British Airways, Cadbury’s, the Civil Aviation Authority, the Co-operative Group, National Grid, Morrisons and telent.
Schroders is a global investment management firm with £760.4 billion assets under management, as at 31 March 2024. Schroders continues to deliver strong financial results in ever challenging market conditions, with a market capitalisation of over £7 billion and over 6,100 employees across 38 locations. Established in 1804, the founding family remains a core shareholder, holding approximately 44% of Schroders’ shares.
Schroders has benefited from a diverse business model by geography, asset class and client type. It offers innovative products and solutions across four core growing business areas; asset management, solutions, Schroders Capital (private markets) and wealth management. Clients include insurance companies, pension schemes, sovereign wealth funds, high net worth individuals and foundations. Schroders also manages assets for end clients as part of its relationships with distributors, financial advisers and online platforms.
Schroders aims to provide excellent investment performance to clients through active management. It also channels capital into sustainable and durable businesses to accelerate positive change in the world. Schroders’ business philosophy is based on the belief that if we deliver for clients, we will deliver for our shareholders and other stakeholders.
We partner with CIOs, trustees and sponsors to help them find their unique path through the complexities of investment. All of our solutions are designed to drive better investment outcomes.
We are proud to be a leading independent UK professional services consultancy at the forefront of risk, pensions, investment and insurance. We are free from any external stakeholders, allowing us to take a long-term view with all our clients and giving us the freedom to bring fresh ideas to the table, unobstructed
We partner with CIOs, trustees and sponsors to help them find their unique path through the complexities of investment. All of our solutions are designed to drive better investment outcomes.
We represent pension schemes that together provide a retirement income to more than 30 million savers in the UK and invest more than £1.3 trillion in the UK and abroad. Our members also include asset managers, consultants, law firms, fintechs, and others who play an influential role in people’s financial futures.
The PMI is the professional body which supports and develops the experts who run UK pension schemes by delivering exceptional thought leadership, comprehensive education, advanced training, and recognised qualifications in pension management. It has the broadest skills base of pensions professionals and trustees in the UK, with more than 7,600 members dedicated to establishing, maintaining, and advancing the highest levels of pensions knowledge. PMI members are responsible for managing and advising some of the largest institutions in the world and taking key decisions on substantial financial matters. With well over £1 trillion invested in UK pensions, PMI members have a vital role to play in shaping the nation’s financial future. With 48 years of successful operation behind it, the PMI is an organisation at the cutting edge of pensions, committed to fostering industry collaboration and driving innovation to enhance retirement outcomes. For full details of PMI’s qualifications, membership grades, and ongoing support services visit
For over 10 years portfolio institutional has been providing innovative content on investment strategy, in-depth independent analysis and expert opinion to institutional investors in the UK. Over 6,000 copies of the print magazine are distributed each month to an audience of pension fund CIOs, independent trustees, corporate treasurers, foundations, local authorities, asset managers, investment consultants and related industry readers.